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Our “Limited Release” Collection

A series that showcases some of the most exciting and exceptional coffees we've discovered. It features a selection of high-quality, premium coffees coveted for their rare variety or unique processing methods, sourced from innovative producers worldwide.

With each seasonal rotation, we're dedicated to share coffees with distinctive personalities, that promise to captivate your senses and leave a lasting impression.

The Producers

El Paraiso
An exceptional farm and specialty coffee producer established in 2008, it is based in the Cauca region of Colombia. The family-owned operation is renowned for pushing the boundaries in innovative and experimental coffee fermentation techniques, including the 'Thermal Shock' processing method.
Tamba Farm
With a rich history of over 30 years, it's situated in the mountainous terrain in the Gia Lai province of Vietnam, where they're involved in every part of coffee production, from the growing to harvesting to processing of beans. These prime conditions make for high-quality, Rainforest Alliance-certified Fine Robusta coffees.
Campo Hermoso
Located in Columbia, the farm favours fertile growing conditions that produce high-quality, innovative coffees, often used in internationally-renowned competitions. Their rare Wush Wush lot has gone through an anaerobic fermentation and natural drying process, resulting in a complex fruity profile.


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