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Kiss the Hippo

Location: United Kingdom

Founder: Can Eren

Kiss the Hippo is a specialty coffee company based in London, which is recognized for its innovative and sustainable practices. The company operates a state-of-the-art roastery in London that opened in 2018, where they roast planet-friendly and organic coffee beans. Their commitment to sustainability has been a key factor in their success, and they have been able to cater to discerning coffee drinkers across the UK and beyond.

Kiss the Hippo

Getting to know Kane - Head of Coffee for Kiss the Hippo.

How did the journey of Kiss the Hippo begin?

Kiss the Hippo started with a mission to create exceptional coffee experiences. In 2018, the journey began on the high street of Richmond, London, with a café and roastery space to ensure the highest quality coffee possible. Our focus on quality, sustainability, and ethical sourcing has helped us grow into what we are today, with a commitment to providing exceptional coffee not only in the UK but also beyond.

Can you share more about Kiss the Hippo's approach to sourcing and roasting coffee?

At the forefront of our coffee sourcing approach is sustainability. Our priority is to purchase from farmers who share our deep commitment to protecting the environment, with a strong preference for those who hold organic certification, though not limited exclusively to them. We take great care in roasting our coffee beans to accentuate their exceptional qualities, which often result in a light, bright, and lively flavour profile.

What was the inspiration for Kiss the Hippo to decide to put coffees into the convenient capsule format?

Our goal was to provide everyone with easy access to delicious specialty coffee, while also ensuring that our pods are environmentally friendly. To achieve this, we made our pods home compostable, which not only makes them convenient to dispose of, but also ensures that they do not harm the environment.

Coffee is fuel to get us moving throughout the day, especially in the morning. What is your daily morning ritual like?

The first thing I do is drink coffee, of course! I recommend our House Organic Pod brewed long on the Morning (Machine). This gives me the energy to go to the gym, followed by cycling to work and getting the roaster warmed up.

What are you most excited about right now and for the future of Kiss the Hippo as a brand/business?

As a growing business, we are excited about the many opportunities that lie ahead for us to build long-lasting relationships. We are particularly keen on deepening our connections with coffee farmers who are as enthusiastic and passionate about sustainability and delicious coffee as we are.

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